Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Cohort Learning Experiences
ECG in St Patrick’s School highlights the importance of self-responsibility, as students make informed decisions in working towards their goals. In line with the national Skills Future movement, the department continues to engage students in the area of Education and Career Guidance (ECG) through lessons and learning journeys.
Secondary 1 students first discover more about themselves, their individual interests through self-evaluation tools and a visit to the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI).

At Secondary 2, students are provided with information about what they need to achieve their career, including the subjects they need to choose.

All Secondary Three students are provided with applied learning opportunities in various post-secondary institutions to enrich their career guidance curriculum. Elective Modules (EMs) such as Small Business Operations and Video Production are held in school while Advanced Elective Module (AEMs) such as Electronic Design and Development and are taught by Polytechnic lecturers.

Secondary 4 & 5 students are provided with knowledge to help guide them with longer term career goals, so that students can utilise the information gained on the various post-secondary education pathways to set realistic and achievable targets for the rest of the year to work towards.